Protection when you need it most
Protection when you need it most - critical illness or injury to cover your flying
We are living longer and surviving serious illnesses or injuries. This is great news and a lump sum payment upon diagnosis will ensure you can focus on your recovery, rather than worrying about the impact on your financial situation.
What is provided under Trauma Cover?
Trauma Cover can provide you with a lump sum benefit if you are diagnosed with one of the listed medical conditions (as a result of injury or illness) and survive 14 days from diagnosis. The benefit is paid irrespective of whether or not, you are able to work.
ClearView Trauma Cover Plus Option provides cover for an extra 13 conditions. Most of these conditions pay a partial trauma benefit because the condition is at an early stage and of lesser severity to conditions that pay a full benefit.
Conditions covered..
Heart Condition
| Nervous System
| Body Organs
| Blood Condition
Other Conditions
Extra condtions covered with Trauma Plus Option
- Breast (exculing Breast cancer with surgery and treatment) - Cervix - uteri (excluding CIN1 and CIN2) - Fallopian tube (tubal mucoas only) - Ovary - Penis - Perineum - Prostate - Testicle - Vagina - Vulva
This information is intended to provide general information only and has been prepared without taking into account any particular persons objectives, financial situation or needs (circumstances). Before acting on such information, you should consider its appropriateness, taking into account your circumstances and read the applicable Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). Westbook Investments Pty Ltd trading as Pilot Insurance ABN 12 085 026 713 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 462716) of ClearView Financial Advice Pty Ltd ABN 89 133 593 012 AFSL No. 331367.
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